+233 50 726 0856

About Us

#About Us

Rebellious Millionaires

Rebellious Millionaires is an online financial freedom focused community founded and spear headed by Rutherford Orlean-Banks to provide education and coaching on how to escape society’s fake and illusionary world of job security and step into the real world where there are limitless opportunities to express yourself and utilize your creative prowess into building your dream life.

This is an all-inclusive new generation community that is available for people from all walks of life regardless of your race, religion and social status.

Rutherford Orleans-Banks
Rutherford Orlean-Banks

Our Vision

We envision a Community full of powerful free critical thinkers and mentality monsters that rebel against the traditional system and its way of life. A community where we teach our members that there is a better world somewhere than following conventional wisdom of only going to school and securing a safe secure job. We envision opening the eyes of the youth to understand that you don’t have to work for the government or get yourself trapped inside the 9-5 rat race before you can make a living.

We want to transform the mediocre mindset of the youth to understand that you can achieve your dreams and live your best life without having to conform to the government and its systematic plans for the masses. We want to raise an army of Financial market Traders, Investors and business minded youth while inducting them into a world where financial independence is not just an illusion but a real possibility. We realize that it’s time to take back power from the government, corporations and the system and give it back to the people especially the youth and this is our utmost vision.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the most member-obsessed financial freedom education company in the world, by focusing on our student’s needs, their experience throughout the learning process, and the results they achieve in their financial journeys. Our promise is to always do our best to improve every aspect of the student experience by listening, experimenting, and optimizing our program around what is best for our members.

Also we aim to emancipate the youth from mental slavery and free them from the shackles of the system and society’s false prosperity teachings, through education on Investing, Personal finance and financial markets trading by leveraging the full potential of social media and the internet at large.


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